hours 14.15 |
Recording participants |
14.30 |
Opening of the work |
Salute of Luigi Merlo - Harbour President Autorità of Genoa |
Relations |
Andrea Appetecchia (Responsible logistic national Osservatorio – ISFORT) Presentation of the relationship on the harbour Job in Italy |
Giambattista D' Aste (Secretary Generale, Harbour Authority of Genoa) The harbour temporary job: situation and perspectives |
Guy Vankrunkelsven - (Director CEPA - Association of the terminalisti of the port of Antwerp) The experience of the Europe North the case of Antwerp |
15.30 |
Round table "The job in the future of the ports and the logistics: which solutions" |
It moderates: Luigi Merlo - Harbour President Autorità of Genoa |
They take part: |
Bruno Anastasia (Responsible Osservatorio on the Labor market - Venetian Lavoro) |
Antonio Benvenuti (Consul - Unica Paride Batini Company) |
Massimo Provinciali (Secretary Generale Harbour Authority of Livorno) |
Luca Becce (Directive Assiterminal) |
Marco Spinedi (Scientific Coordinator Foundation ITL- Institute on the Transports and the Logistics) |
Anna Maria Furlan (Confederal Secretary Nazionale - CISL) |
Fabrizio Solari (Confederal Secretary Nazionale CGIL) |
Marco Odone (Secretary Generale Uil You transport Liguria) |
Riccardo Degl ' Innocent (Province of Genoa - Genoa Port Center) |
Debate |
18.00 |
Conclusions |